pedestrian accident

What Steps to Take Following a Pedestrian Accident?

Pedestrian accidents, unfortunately, are a common occurrence and can lead to severe physical, emotional, and financial repercussions. Understanding the subsequent steps is crucial whether you’re the pedestrian involved or the driver. This guide delves deep into the actions you should undertake after a pedestrian accident.

1. Prioritize Safety First and Foremost

The immediate moments following an accident can be chaotic. Before anything else, ensure everyone’s safety. If the situation allows, move away from the flow of traffic to prevent further accidents. For those severely injured and unable to move, others at the scene should use hazard lights or makeshift barriers to shield them from oncoming vehicles.

2. Immediate Emergency Response is Crucial

Always alert emergency services after any pedestrian accident. Dialing 911 ensures that medical professionals arrive promptly to tend to injuries, and law enforcement can begin their initial documentation and control of the scene. Their reports can be invaluable later on.

3. Get Proper Medical Attention

Even if you believe you’ve escaped unscathed, getting a medical check-up is imperative. Some injuries, especially those related to trauma or internal issues, might not show immediate symptoms. Furthermore, having a medical record detailing any damages or the lack thereof can be pivotal when dealing with insurance claims or potential legal actions.

4. Thoroughly Document the Scene

In our digital age, most people carry smartphones. Use this tool to your advantage. Photograph the scene from multiple angles, capturing the positioning of vehicles, any skid marks, street signs, and traffic signals. Document injuries and any property damage. Also, jot down the specifics: time, date, weather conditions, and other factors that might have contributed to the accident.

5. Get Witness Accounts

Bystanders can offer an unbiased account of the events leading to the accident. If there are any present, approach them calmly. Request their names, contact details, and, if they’re willing, a brief account of what they witnessed. Their testimonies can be crucial in piecing together the incident.

6. Exchange Pertinent Information

As the pedestrian, ensure you gather the driver’s details: name, address, contact numbers, driver’s license, insurance details, and vehicle registration. If you’re the driver, it’s your responsibility to provide this information to the pedestrian without hesitation.

7. The Importance of Neutrality

Post-accident, emotions can surge, leading to statements made in the heat of the moment. It’s vital to remain as neutral as possible. Avoid making declarations that could insinuate guilt or fault, as these can significantly impact subsequent legal or insurance proceedings.

8. Inform Your Insurance Provider

Regardless of the fault, inform your insurance company about the accident. They can offer guidance on the next steps and clarify your policy’s specifics, ensuring you’re aware of any coverage you might be entitled to.

9. Maintain a Detailed Record

Document every related aspect, including all medical consultations, treatments, medications, and therapies. Note any work missed and the corresponding lost wages. Retain receipts for any out-of-pocket expenses. This comprehensive record can be instrumental in claims or legal actions.

10. The Role of an Attorney

Given the complexities often associated with pedestrian accidents, consulting a personal injury attorney can be beneficial. They can clarify, ensure your rights are upheld, and guide you in seeking due compensation.

11. Adherence to Medical Recommendations

Your health should be paramount. Adhere strictly to the medical advice and treatment plans provided by healthcare professionals. This not only aids in recovery but also demonstrates the ongoing nature and severity of your injuries, a crucial aspect in legal or insurance scenarios.

12. Be Careful with Social Media

In today’s interconnected world, the urge to share experiences on social media is strong. However, after an accident, it’s wise to exercise restraint. Avoid posting details, photos, or opinions about the incident. Opposing legal teams or insurance adjusters might scrutinize your online presence, seeking inconsistencies in your account or evidence to downplay your injuries.

The aftermath of a pedestrian accident is undeniably challenging, encompassing physical, emotional, and legal complexities. However, you can navigate these challenges effectively with a systematic approach, informed decisions, and the proper support. While the journey to recovery and resolution might be long, prioritizing your well-being and rights will ensure the best possible outcome.

In conclusion, if you ever find yourself involved in a pedestrian accident, you’ll need to seek the help of a qualified pedestrian accident lawyer who can advocate for your case in court. At Motorcycle Accident Attorney, we take pride in being recognized as one of Orange County, CA‘s leading pedestrian and motorcycle accident law firms. We encourage you to schedule a free consultation today to discuss your legal options.